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Puppy Support

Are you ready to support your new puppy in a kind and ethical way?

Our Life Skills Packages and downloadable webinars" cover everything including common issues such as chewing, nipping, pulling on the lead, sleeping at night, hyperactivity, toilet training, and much more.

We are here to help you and your furry friend get off to a great start.


Our "Raising a Pawsome Puppy" Session can help you prepare for your new arrival before you even bring your puppy home!!



Bringing a Puppy home is an exciting time but it can also be challenging and scary!


. Often having to fight your way through lots of varying opinions on what you should and shouldn't do can be a minefield, there is SO much information out there, it can be tough!


Each Puppy is as unique and individual as you and I, and their learning journey should be unique to you and your puppy's requirements.


We only work with clients on a 1:1 basis so I can ensure all my time is focused on you.


But doesn't my puppy need to socialise and be in a class of other puppies?


This is not necessarily true, working at your home, and then out and about in real-life locations means every puppy has the best chance of learning, concentrating, and feeling safe.

 If appropriate for your puppy, interactions can take place in real settings, demonstrating how best to go about this and when and how to avoid potentially problematic scenarios.


Our Raising a Pawsome Puppy Package allows us to support and prepare you for your new arrival


We are proud to offer a range of packages that allow us to work with you and support you every step of the way.




This information-packed live Zoom session can be done EVEN before you bring your Puppy home.

Avoid making many common and outdated mistakes, together we will set you up for success.

Should we crate our puppy, should we leave them to cry, should we yelp when they bite us.

All these questions and much, much more will be covered in this hugely informative session.

As always we only use kind, compassionate, ethical up-to-date methods.




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This month by month package offers you

2 hours of live sessions every month


We can work on skills such as *Walking nicely on lead

*Coming back when asked

* Waiting




*and much more


The beauty of this course is that it is flexable to you and your puppies needs.





This 4-session 1:1 package offers you 1 live session a week plus a space on our live workshop Learning to Listen


We can work on skills such as *Walking nicely on lead

*Coming back when asked

* Waiting




*and much more


The beauty of this course is that it is flexible to you and your puppy's needs.




Have you seen our Learning Hub

Packed full of wonderful webinars the Learning Hub allows you to explore some of the building blocks of successful canine guardianship at your own time and pace.

From learning how to read our dog's communications to implementing species-appropriate behaviours so we can avoid boredom and frustration these information-packed, fun, and friendly webinars will help you reach a better understanding of your canine companion. 

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